Friday, September 18, 2009

Just thinking.

That I have to run 26.2 miles in 16 days. And I'm getting nervous. It's a combination of anxiety and fear. I know how painful this one is going to be. Extremely. Worse than the other five, I fear. Just let the endorphins take over, I repeat. Just let the endorphins work their magic in your heel.

And then I start to wonder...when am I going to plan my races for next year. Is it time to get off this marathon kick. Four in a year. Too many. I love the tri. I really do. I want to complete a HI next year. Can I swim that far without panicking in the open water? I dunno. I can swim a mile in the pool. I've done a mile and a half, in fact, and felt great. Open water. It's something else. But I love looking at my tri pictures and envisioning how relieved, yet how refreshed, I felt when they were finished.

You can run a half marathon and still have a great day. You can run a marathon and still go out with friends. Crunch them together, and I think I can get across the line on two feet. I have to shop races this weekend. I need new goals, new challenges, new ways to remind myself that my time is limited. And I refuse to waste it. People who do are fools.

They need Harold Melvin. Wake up everybody, no more sleeping in bed. Time for thinking ahead.

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