Thursday, January 17, 2013

One run down, many more to go

Today, I finally ran.

It’s been 15 long days, thanks to a needed rest and the subsequent flu. My friend JZ scared me when I told her that I was going to take my lungs out for a spin.

“You’re going to feel like dying.”

Nah. I’ll be fine.

“Seriously, you’re going to feel like you’ve never run before.”

She was correct.

The anxiety walked between us as I headed to my car. It jumped into the passenger seat and eventually trudged upstairs where I donned my tights and shoes. And then I was off, like a school girl headed to her best friend's sleepover.

First run. Two weeks. Steroids done. Z-pack done. Tamiflu done. Nebulizer put away.

Three miles. Twenty-six minutes. 8:40 pace. Run done. Anxiety put away.

I returned home just as the girls emerged from the bus.

JZ was right.

I felt like I had, indeed, never run before--and in the most rewarding fashion.

“You ran? But you still sound like a crocodile! Let me take your picture.”

And so she did.


Today, I finally ran.

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